Monday, July 29, 2013

Australia Week

Yay, G'day Australia!

I've had this blog for almost five years.   I've been traveling for a lot longer.   Lots of my pictures are in scrapbooks, complete with borders and cutsey stickers, with the negatives in boxes in my basement.  And not every picture ever taken should be shared with the world at large (pretty sure there are some of us belly dancing in Egypt that will never see the light of day).   When I wanted to share some memories of my time working in Yellowstone, I used my cell phone to take pictures of my pictures.    Not everything will make it into digital format.

Over the weekend, my sister and I were having a conversation about travel memories and she said that her two favorite "active" things that she's done included a great white shark cage dive in South Africa and climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge in Australia.    And then I realized that all of my Australia and New Zealand photos are in fact digital and ready to share.

WOO HOO!    It's Australia Week on Traveler for Good.    You may see kangaroos, didgeridoos, and the Great Barrier Reef from the comfort of your hammock (or office chair...whatever you've got goin' on).  

Check out Traveler for Good on Facebook to catch some other fun throughout the week.    One of our guides gave us great perspective when we went to the land down under.    Australia is the size of the continental US.   We were only there for a week.    If someone came to the States for a week, there is no way he/she could see close to everything.    The same was true for our adventure.    Just bits and pieces of a big country, encouraging you to come back again.

Not a lot of places in the world where you'll see a sign like this
Australia is one of those places

Have you spent time in the land down under?    What was your favorite spot?

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