
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Jump Right In

Every week people sit down and write for five minutes, unscripted, as a part of Five Minute Friday.   

Of course, today is Sunday.   But today, I have time to sit.  Rest.   Think.   And write. 

I figured it was a sign when I saw that the word for the week was song.  Today, I've heard a certain song about five times.     Time to dip my toes in the proverbial sand.

Jumping In - Florida Style 2012

Jump Right In

My song of the day is "Jump Right In" by the Zac Brown Band.    Aside from the lighthearted beach party vibe that it gives me, there is a not so subliminal message.    To me.   Or anyone else who is jammin' along with the radio.

Jump Right In.     We like to think.   Ponder.   Deliberate.   Worry.  

We like to make excuses.

The thought of jumping right in makes me feel bold, daring, and adventurous.   Which is good.   It balances out the part of me that pays her bills on time, drives only 5 miles over the speed limit, and calls in sick only in dire circumstances where lying in the fetal position on my office floor seems like a huge breach or workplace etiquette.  

I like to jump in:  travel, books, recipes, activities, bottles of wine.     

But where would I like to jump next?   What would be truly bold?   Awesomely daring?  Wildly adventurous?  

(I guess it's time to jump out....kind of like the hokey pokey)

Music to write by:  Uncaged by the Zac Brown Band

Ready to jump in?  Traveler for Good is on Facebook (just like you are...probably right now)


  1. Anonymous19 May, 2013

    Love your blog header!

    And love your enthusiasm for jumping in!

    Looking at a bit more of your blog made me think of a book I've just been reading Tales of a Female Nomad (and I have the sequel, too) - if you've not read it, I think you might enjoy it.

    I look forward to reading more of your blog!

  2. Thanks for stopping by and for the book recommendation - I'll see if the library has it!

  3. Anonymous20 May, 2013


    Really, really interesting. I just finished the first and am starting the second.
