
Monday, May 13, 2013

A Ferry Good Time - Seattle

When you leave a landlocked state like Colorado and head to the coast, you want to spend your time along the water.   Not a creek, not a lake, not a reservoir, but the water.  (It's in italics because it's such a big deal!)   A really affordable way to get on the water in Seattle is to take a ferry.     A one hour tourist harbor cruise was about $25.    A round-trip ferry ride to Bainbridge Island was $7.50.   Ferries are a combination of people commuting and people on vacation - and it's a true Washington state experience.   We had a beautiful sunny day for our ferry ride.   We could see Mount Rainier in the distance and enjoy the Seattle skyline in the not-so-distance.  
Bainbridge Island has shops and cafes within walking distance of the ferry terminal.   We didn't have much time on the island, but I did get to have ice cream  (Mora Iced Creamery), so I was happy as could be.
To see where the Washington State Ferries can take you, click here.    
Have you ever taken a ferry?    Yay or Nay?

1 comment:

  1. I even got a sunburn on the ferry - perhaps the only person ever who gets a sunburn in Seattle. Oh well, totally worth it. :)
