
Friday, November 23, 2012


The Grand Illumination - Downtown Denver
Always the Friday after Thanksgiving

Today's Five Minute Friday prompt is Thank You.     I can't think of a better prompt for five minutes of writing.    Working in the hospitality industry, there were years that I worked on Thanksgiving Day.    Usually I've worked the day after Thanksgiving (aka today) if I'm not on vacation.    This year, our fantastic office of three decided that we'd all take a vacation day today.     A four day weekend is definitely something to enjoy and celebrate.  

A lot of people are doing the 30 days of gratitude on Facebook, on their blogs, or maybe just in a notebook by their bed.    That's how I'm using my 5 minutes today....

This year I'm am grateful for:
My old job with awesome co-workers
My new job with awesome co-workers (same company, different property)
Visiting 3 new countries (Greece, Honduras and Belize)
Chaperoning the youth mission trip to Joplin, MO - I'm reminded every time I go on a trip or hear the kids talk about it, that taking time for serving others changes lives
The 10 years I had with my Chey dog
Seeing almost all my family either here or there
Lake Tahoe
The ability to cook
My tan (although it's fading daily)
My PHR recertification - and that I didn't have to take the exam again
HR Team of the Year
Cappuccino in a real cup
A day under the laziness cloud
Living in Colorado
Frequent flier miles
The Wisconsin State Fair
Road Trips
Free hotel nights


It's a good thing that time ran out before I ran out of things to be thankful for or people to say thank you to.   I saw a cartoon recently that showed a glass half full.   It showed that the bottom half was water (50%) and the top half was air (50%) and that technically the glass is always 100% full. 

I want to always be able to say my glass is 100% full and be that thankful. 

I hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Five Minute Friday is taking a vacation in December - to learn more about how you can get involved visit Lisa-Jo's site

1 comment:

  1. :) Hopping over here from Five-Minute Friday...I love your list! As I was reflecting on thanks today, I realized that sometimes the most simple blessings are what I'm most thankful for. Thanks so much for sharing...I hope you're enjoying your weekend! Blessings to you! :)
