
Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Story of the Pineapple

This week's Five Minute Friday prompt is Welcome.


What is the international symbol of hospitality?    On one of my college exams, I wrote "smile."  The answer was wrong, but I still got credit.    The pineapple is the international symbol.    Once I told that to family and friends, I started getting random pineapple shaped gifts.   A welcome sign.  A jewelry box.   A magnet.     

I studied hospitality management (under the guise of a degree in Food Science and Nutrition) in college.  Twelve years later, I'm still in the field and I know that hospitality - the act of taking care of others - suits my skills and personality.    My job is to make others happy.   To make them feel welcome.   

I do this outside of work as well.   Often with gifts of food, since that's how I roll.   

A warm welcome goes a long way.   Introducing yourself to a neighbor.   The person who sits next to you at church.    Someone new to your city.    A new co-worker.    The over-worked cashier at the grocery store.  

People may not remember the nice person - they're more likely to harp on the one who didn't tip, or who caused a scene.    But you'll remember.    Be the welcome.   Be the smile.   Be the person who, one small act at a time, makes the world better.


To participate in these scribing shenanigans either today or next week visit Lisa-Jo's page here on Friday (or Saturday) then write for five minutes on the topic she provides. Then you can post a link to your post on her page. Finally show some love to the person who posted before you.


  1. Beautiful post! I did my FMF today on Saturday and you linked before me. And how true! What a good read today =)
