
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Massage - No Longer My Vacation Splurge

I used to save massages for a special occasion, like vacation.  I remember getting my first massage on a cruise.   I have since changed my tune.   Massages are for the real world - not vacation.

Vacation doesn't stress me out.  Daily life does. 
Sun and a tank top doesn't tense my shoulders, a suit jacket does.

The idea of a massage on vacation is glamorous.  It also costs twice or three times as much.   For the past year and a half I've been getting a massage every month.  $55 for 55 minutes.  5 minutes from my house and a therapist who does a great job.   And if you're willing to try promotional offers at different spas and go grouponing, you could probably pay less than that.  

Caveat:  If you're in Thailand where an hour long foot massage is $5 and a Thai massage on the beach is $12 - go for it.   Every day. 

Unless your massage is on the beach with the sound of waves, you are lying on a table in a dim room with your eyes closed.   You can lie on a table in a dim room in your home town.   Why pay a premium to do it at a hotel?  Use that $50-100 difference and treat yourself to a special dinner, a zip line tour or a street market splurge.

Then schedule a massage at home the day after your vacation ends.   Keep those good vacation vibes going after you return to reality. 

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