
Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Power of Donuts

Last week in the weekly update from church there was a special note: "donuts are back!"  Having been out of town most of June, I didn't know they were missing.   But I was glad last week when a cherry frosted donut was there for me to enjoy during the service. 

Apparently donuts are on the 'sweet schedule' for the church academic year (September - May) and take vacation, just like people do, in the summer.  Today during the service, one of our pastors highlighted the return of the donuts and talked about her childhood when she would go to the choir room of her parents church where she was allowed 1 donut each Sunday...until one day a tall kind stranger asked if she wanted a second one, just this once. 

Growing up the church I attended in the country (Rock Prairie) had 'Cookie Sunday' once a month.  Naturally this was our favorite Sunday of the month.  Mom said that we could have two cookies.  I interpreted that as two cookies - when she was looking.  So many different delicious cookies, how could I possibly just pick one?

I associate donuts with church, vacation, and now, leaving for the airport (Winchell's is open 24/7).  Donuts weren't in the house when I was growing up.  Maybe they fall in the "special occasion morning food" category.  Eggs Benedict would fall in that category too...although that's not a church or leaving for the airport food for sure. 

The return of the donuts also reminded me of an incidence where cereals were taken out of the cafeteria at work.  One day one of the managers was telling us about a conversation with his employees, "The most pressing issue according to our employees? The removal of the cereals from the cafeteria."  Sometimes it's the little things, the things that seem insignificant, are what people really care about.

The moral of the story? Bring on the donuts.

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