
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Road Tripping (Bike MS Style)

Last weekend was the 2009 Bike MS. It's not a first, but rather a second for me. Last year, after being involved as a volunteer in 06/07, I "manned" up, got a road bike and started to train for the insanity of voluntarily riding 150 miles in 2 days. I felt my training for this summer was not up to par, based on 1) the crazy Denver weather and 2) being out of town a lot. However, it was a success, I made good time on Saturday, crossing the finish line in Ft. Collins around 12:30 and then got to enjoy our fantastic team tent: the Hotel MS 150. Sunday morning, the attitude changes..."let's get on the road, because there's no other way back to Westminster except to hop back in the saddle..."and it was hot. I have some funky tan lines. But at least now my legs and knees feel back to normal and I'm ready for a holiday weekend of fun.

So, since the ride and the route weren't different, it's not new, but....

#42 Tried Lamar's donuts for the first time (nothing like wine, a donut and a grand bed after riding 75 miles...Rebecca told me I deserved it, and she's right!)

#43 (more in the ewww category) Stayed in a nasty old dorm at CSU. This is my fault for slacking in making my reservations, but I guess living in LAR at U of I (which is over 50 years old) gave me higher expectations....really who gives college students tiny desks with rocking chairs?

#44 Eating grilled cassava root with spicy Peruvian sauce (rocoto?).

Looking forward to this weekend, where I will actually get to experience, for the first time, one of the listed events in Party Across America, by going to Summerfest in Milwaukee with my sister!

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