
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

History Repeating Itself

I originally had a blog on Yahoo 360 for the specific purpose of sharing my fabulous and detailed travel journal from Southern Africa with others who were on the trip with me. Then last year I decided that blogger was a better and easier choice (which is true). Sadly Yahoo 360 is closing and I was able to download my blog into a completely useless .txt format which is not able to be directly imported to Blogger. However, I can and will move the posts over sometime this summer, as it's entertaining to see what you thought and wrote when you were "younger" (almost 3 years ago). Not quite as entertaining as breaking out my journal from my trip to Egypt in 98, where I scribed riveting commentary such as "JFK is big, but not nearly as cool as O'Hare," "I felt conspicuous in the Cairo airport" and "the trick to haggling - act aloof and start low" (although that is still true).

Ahhhh...strolling down memory lane. Thankfully I write it all down, or my travel memories would be something like "Didn't we see that famous building?"

1 comment:

  1. You're so experiences are more your latter example with something to the effect of, "there's a picture of me there, but what was that place called?" Not good!
