
Monday, February 16, 2009

Wat Kok Yang Daycare

My volunteer work while I'm here is Wat Kok Yang Daycare with the middle class, the 3-4 year olds. The kids are too cute. They are learning basic English, like their ABC's, numbers, animals, colors, etc, so I try to come up with new games / activities to go with what they already have. The school has 3 classes. The day starts with games and outdoor activities, then moves to handwashing, then class, then lunch then more outdoor play, a little workbook activity, and then a nap ( favorite time). We eat lunch with the teachers, then Cha comes to take us home. When we're playing outside, the kids will ask to "moon" which means "spiral" or being swung around by their arms. These pictures are of some of the students in my class. Almost all Thai have nicknames that they use rather than their long legal names. The 12 kids normally in my class are Jab, Nice, Num, Fill, Pak-king, Play, Cream, Jay, Ja, Ja-ea, Mind, and Bai-Tan.

1 comment:

  1. A nickname like Cream would start to stink as you got older. :)
