Sunday, November 23, 2008

First Run
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What Fits in a Shoebox?
What gifts would you put in a shoebox for a child somewhere else in the world? At church we're participating in Operation Christmas Child. You pack a shoebox full of non-perishable gifts for a boy or girl in a specific age group, pray for him/her, and send the box on a trip. Unless I get a letter back, I'll never know where it went or who got it. Will it travel by rickshaw, camel, or boat?
Safe travels to my little shoe box, and may it end up in good hands.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Traveler IQ
Yet another addictive travel game for when you want to spend a few minutes pointing your mouse over a map of the world. Do you know where Burkina Faso is?
Addictive Internet Games
My friend Twissted Swisster had this up on his blog today. I thought I would get a higher score. I missed another 201 countries. Naturally I'll have to try again.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sticky and Sweet
Last night I had the opportunity to go to Madonna's show here in Denver. Considering she was one of the artists that I grew up listening to, I definitely enjoyed it. What I enjoyed even more was that our original seats were up in the rafters with a limited view of the stage and some of the Pepsi Center reps came up and gave everyone in our section new tickets. We moved down to seats 4 rows up from the floor with a fantastic view of the stage. She puts on quite the production with dancers, video, moving stages and more. I didn't bring my camera, thinking that I'd be too far away, and a lot of times security is after you if they see you using it. Not last night. Every other person had their camera or their cell phone up taking pictures and video, so I've taken advantage of their footage on YouTube. Prior to the concert, my friend asked what song I most wanted to hear and I said "Like a Prayer." My friend's favorite was La Isla Bonita (which, surprisingly, she sang as well).
The people watching was also entertaining, a good thing since the show started 90 minutes after the 8:00pm ticket time. There was some crazy 80s fashion going on in parts of the arena as well as some men's fashion that you don't see many other places (at least in my circles....). For a woman who is 50 years old, she has a lot of energy and was dancing, and even jump roping, the entire 2 hour show!
The videos are a glimpse of "Like a Prayer" as well as a video montage I really liked with the theme of "Your Life, Your Choice."
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The Joys of Hazelnut Spread
So now the question is how many ways can I enjoy it before it gets demoted to the bottom shelf of the fridge?
Mmmmm....pretzels and Nutella, pancakes and Nutella, toast and Nutella, ice cream and Nutella...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Volunteer Vacations
In college I had the opportunity to do my first international trip, a week doing vacation Bible school in rural Costa Rica. I didn't speak much Spanish, but was able to have fun and build relationships with kids, just the same. Our church was big with stained glass windows. The Methodist congregations in C.R. met in open sided buildings decorated with hibiscus blossoms.
Fast forward one year and we worked in West Virginia with Appalachian Service Project.
Time passed and work trip opportunities didn't present themselves for a while. In 2005 the church I was attending in Indy had a partnership with a church outside of Playa del Carmen, Mexico. This trip was a mix of both. A chance to relax on the beach and go out to dinner, visit Mayan ruins, and volunteer at Vacation Bible School (or E.B de V en espanol). Even after moving to Colorado, I took the opportunity to go again and continue those relationships. (You can learn about this partnership through their blog and if you look on the July 2006 link, you'll even find some of my commentary).
This year, I was able to cross one more state off my list of places to visit on a short work trip to New Orleans. Our work was coordinated through PDA. Again the balance between using a crow bar and drinking a daiquiri on Bourbon Street.
Three months from today, I'm embarking on a volunteer vacation adventure with Cross Cultural Solutions. In the past year I've been trying to determine a way to spend an extended period of time in another country while still keeping my job. I want to be more than just a tourist. Having a house, dog, etc. makes it a bit more challenging to just pick up and go. I'm going to Trang, Thailand with CCS for a 3 week program. I'm not sure yet what my project will be although it seems most likely that I will be helping in a school in some capacity. It will be my first time to Asia. I'm excited about doing it on my own. I will be living and working with other volunteers when I get to Trang, but it's different than traveling with family or friends. I know I'll be keeping a journal, blogging and taking a ridiculous amount of pictures while I'm there and who knows....maybe I'll learn something new about myself.
If you're interested in sponsoring me for this adventure, click the "sponsor me" icon to the right of my blog. For more information on organizations that do good around the world, check out this article from Budget Travel.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Postage Mystery

Our Boys in France Tobacco Fund